The Benefits Of A Daylily That Not All People Knew About

3 min read

Daylilies (Hemerocallis fulva) is a type of edible flower that is widely sought for its medicinal purposes which will be discussed further below. Its name comes from the Greek word “day” and “beautiful”. The fun thing about eating this beautiful flower is the variety of ways that you can prepare it. Nearly all parts of the flower is edible so you can put almost  every part of it to good use. Make it as a soup, stir fry it, batter and deep fry it, or eat it raw. Whatever you like.

If you’re into edible plants and flowers and you are interested in using Daylily for your recipes, there are a ton of it that you can find online. Aside from being edible, one of the big reasons why this flower is slowly gaining its popularity is because of its health benefits. Although not entirely researched, it holds a lot of potentials. Below you can find its health benefits that will make you change your perception of this plant in a positive way.

It’s benefits: As mentioned above, this flower might look good, but it holds more benefits than just being eaten by people that love to eat edible flowers. The flower is so rich in vitamins and minerals that you might just give up on your vitamins and replace it with an all organic option Daylily.

  • Rich in Calories
  • Rich in Fat
  • Rich in Protein
  • Rich in Phosphorus
  • Rich in Calcium
  • Rich in Sodium
  • Rich in Iron
  • Rich in Vitamin A
  • Rich in vitamin C
  • Rich in Thiamin
  • Rich in Riboflavin
  • Rich in Niacin
  • Rich in Potassium
  • May help treat cancer
  • Great for detoxification
  • Used to treat jaundice
  • Used to treat hemorrhoids
  • Used to treat red urine

Daylily dosage: Since there is a lack of research material on the said flower, there has been no known advice as to how much you need to take. While there are no experts that can tell you when to stop, you just need to remember the golden rule in eating and ingesting food and medicine in general.

  • Take it in moderation
  • Too much and too many is bad

Daylily side effects: Same as the dosage, due to the lack of research material and studies on this plant aside from its characteristics, there are no known side effects of the plant. While that is the case, it’s important to note that it is a flower and if your allergic to flowers or it’s polen then you might reconsider not taking the drug for your own safety.

Daylily is a type of edible flower that is slowly growing its popularity. It’s an edible flower that can be prepared in various ways. Most of its parts are edible so there’s very little waste. Daylily is also getting some serious attention from health enthusiasts since it has been found to be rich in vitamins and minerals that are mentioned above. While there are no noted dosage and side effects it’s still important to consider a few things that are mentioned above as well.

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